Upcoming Events

Check back often as we will be adding events as they are planned. Many thanks to all for their support and prayers for Amy Sue and her family.

March 5 - 11am-3pm - Car/Motorcycle Wash -Edward Jones - Lytle Ave, South Causeway, NSB
(we still need volunteers and car wash supplies)

March 13 - Car Show on Canal Street - look for us there with raffle tickets to benefit Amy - if you need information or want to volunteer to work the table please call Connie or Jack at 954-591-4761

March 13 & 14 - Nova Community Center Camp Fair and Summer Planning Expo-Volusia Magazine will be donating all food and beverage sales from this event to Amy Sue. Contact-Charlene Michaux-386-437-0300

March 14 - 2-6 pm - Headley's Lagoon Saloon on  US 1 in Edgewater - jumpy, music, games, vendors, raffle prizes, food and fun for WHOLE family.

March 20 - Erie Surfboards "Annual Wake Boarding Showcase and Contest" - 2203 Cow Creek Rd Edgewater.  ALL PROCEEDS GO FOR AMY RECOVERY FUND.

March 20 - Flagler Ave Art Show - TBA

April 25 - 2 pm - YMCA Edgewater - Zumba and Body Flow Workout $10.00 per person for this GREAT CLASS! Vendors, Raffles, and A LOT of fun.  ALL DONATIONS FOR AMY!