March 5 - 11am-3pm - Car/Motorcycle Wash -Edward Jones - Lytle Ave, South Causeway, NSB
(we still need volunteers and car wash supplies)
March 13 - Car Show on Canal Street - look for us there with raffle tickets to benefit Amy - if you need information or want to volunteer to work the table please call Connie or Jack at 954-591-4761
March 13 & 14 - Nova Community Center Camp Fair and Summer Planning Expo-Volusia Magazine will be donating all food and beverage sales from this event to Amy Sue. Contact-Charlene Michaux-386-437-0300
March 14 - 2-6 pm - Headley's Lagoon Saloon on US 1 in Edgewater - jumpy, music, games, vendors, raffle prizes, food and fun for WHOLE family.
March 20 - Erie Surfboards "Annual Wake Boarding Showcase and Contest" - 2203 Cow Creek Rd Edgewater. ALL PROCEEDS GO FOR AMY RECOVERY FUND.
March 20 - Flagler Ave Art Show - TBA
April 25 - 2 pm - YMCA Edgewater - Zumba and Body Flow Workout $10.00 per person for this GREAT CLASS! Vendors, Raffles, and A LOT of fun. ALL DONATIONS FOR AMY!